Put simply branding is about communicating your business’ identity to your consumer.
This messaging happens in both direct and indirect ways. Branding can be literal such as a logo that shows an actual depiction of your services or a tagline that is a succinct summary of your business, but branding also encompasses indirect messages such as color choices, fonts, and logo style. These elements also set a tone and communicate nonverbally through the feelings and cues that they evoke.
Bridging The Gap
At the end of the day, branding is about bridging the gap between these design choices to create a cohesive identity that expresses the who, what, why, and how of your business.
So why is it important?
Branding helps with sales.
A consistent brand presentation that communicates a business’ core values has shown to increase revenue by up to 23%. Additionally, going through the process of branding can help you to gain a more consumer-focused approach to every aspect of your business, helping you to better connect with your buyer, and potentially increasing revenue even more.
YOur website is core to your Branding Efforts.
Your website plays a major role in establishing your brand in a deeper way than social media channels can.
Social media channels are primarily concerned with their own branding, limiting the way you publish your information in both style and substance. This ultimately dilutes your message as it gets lost in the cacophony of the social platform’s objectives.
Your website is the domain you have full control over, making sure your brand and business is put forward exactly how you want it, enabling a deeper relationship with your consumer.
Think of your website as your home base and social media as the tools you use to
keep in touch with your clients and to persuade new consumers to learn more about your business.
When visitors come to your website your branding is their first impression. Spending time and effort on a thoughtful website will work harder for you in a way that you can never fully realize on social alone.
Finding a Web Designer who understands the strategic elements involved with developing an effective website will make a difference in putting your best efforts forward.
Digital Space Designs believes that websites have to be more than a pretty package to make an impact.
If you are interested in learning how you can engage with your consumer in a thoughtful way contact Digital Space Designs to start the conversation.